Event Registration : House of N (TCG)

Join us for our second TCG tournament in collaboration with The Southern Islands!

Date: 28 July 2024, Sunday

Time: 11am – 8pm (arrive by 12 noon to facilitate check-in)

Venue: *SCAPE Hubquarters. #04-01

*SCAPE location: refer to Google maps on the right

Format: Standard format / Regulation F cards onwards (Shrouded Fable is legal) / BO3 Swiss and Cut

Proxies: Allowed (unlimited, but proxies must be clear)

Minimum 8 players to start

Prize Payout 
8 – 31 players 
Top 4 cut
0-1 Swiss Wins – 1 standard booster pack
2-3 Swiss Wins – 2 standard booster packs
4-5 Swiss wins – 4 standard booster packs 
1st – 50% of prize pool
2nd – 25% of prize pool
3rd & 4th place – 10% of the prize pool

32 players or more 
Top 8 cut
0-1 Swiss Wins – 1 standard booster pack
2-3 Swiss Wins – 2 standard booster packs
4-5 Swiss wins – 4 standard booster packs 
1st place – 50% of prize pool
2nd place – 20% of prize pool
5th to 8th place – 2 standard booster packs

Lucky Draw
17 to 24 players – 2 lucky draw
25th player onward – 1 additional lucky draw for every 4th player  

You are required to join our Discord server for more updates from us leading up to the tournament: discord.gg/FKdr8qTQpG

Player cap: 50

Please be reminded that we have a player cap of 50 players. Therefore, in the event that you cannot attend in the last minute, we will be able to refund you but take note that there will be admin fees incurred by Stripe.

Payment & Registration:

House of N (TCG)

Payment for House of N (TCG)

"*" indicates required fields

DD slash MM slash YYYY
33 Slots Left
Payment Method*
You will need to scan a QR code via a participating bank app on your mobile device to use PayNow. We recommend completing this form via PC or tablet to proceed with the PayNow transaction.

Event Disclaimer*
By participating in *SCAPE Community Rallies, I consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, or for any other purpose(s) that *SCAPE Co., Ltd, its vendors, partners, affiliates and/or representatives deems fit to use. I release *SCAPE Co., Ltd, its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitising, or publication of interviews, photographs, video and/or or sound recordings.